Toronto, July 5, 2024 - Pursuant to an Order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (the “Appointment Order”) dated July 5, 2024, TDB Restructuring Limited was appointed as receiver (the "Receiver"), without security, of (i) the real property legally described in Schedule “A” to the Appointment Order (the “Real Property”), and (ii) all of the assets, undertakings of 1000195736 Ontario Ltd. (“736 Ont”), 1000193772 Ontario Ltd. (“772 Ont”), and Morgis Corporation (“Morgis" and collectively with 736 Ont and 772 Ont, the "Debtors") acquired for, or used in relation to a business carried on the by the Debtors.
A copy of the Appointment Order is posted below, and other pertinent public information will be posted to this website as that information becomes available.
Unsecured creditors of the Debtors are asked not to file a proof of claim at this time.